MCM ’12

Marine Corps Marathon 2012

As we reflect on what we’ve accomplished this year and figure out our resolutions for 2013, I want to take a moment to share with you one of our accomplishments.

Derek and I ran our first marathon.

That’s right. We ran 26.2 miles. We’d be kidding ourselves if we didn’t say it was extremely difficult. But we did it. From starting at 3-mile runs to running 19 miles on a Saturday morning, it was a great experience. The both of us tested our physical and mental (because trust us, at one point it becomes more of a mental game than physical one) endurance.

Check out a few of our favorite photos from that day. And yes, we were super sore for days. But every time I see our medals hanging by our photo collage, I realize it was so worth it.

‘Til the next time,